Current Grant Opportunities
CFWTX has transitioned to a new system. All organizations will need to create a new account to apply for grants starting August 1, 2024. Visit the tutorial linked HERE for more information or contact Denise if you have further questions.​​
The Community Foundation of West Texas offers several grant opportunities. After receiving a complete proposal, the Foundation’s Grants Committee reviews it and may request additional information or a site visit. The Committee makes recommendations to the Board of Directors, and applicants are notified of the Board’s decision approximately 60 days after the deadline date.
NOTICE: Please be aware that all grant applications must be submitted through the online portal. Applications will not be accepted via mail or email. Each fund awards one grant per year.
Grant applications must be submitted by midnight on the specified due date.​
​Once your online application is completed you will receive an email confirming a successful application submission. The email should not say saved, but SUBMITTED for it to be considered. If you do not receive this email, please contact us so we may further assist you.
To access prior grant applications and information, click here.
2024 Current Grant Opportunities
Community Funds
Due dates: April 1 & October 1
Community Grants support the efforts of organizations that are located and providing services in the Texas South Plains Region. Our primary focus at this time is creating pathways out of poverty and alleviating the impact of poverty on individuals and families.
Community Foundation Animal Welfare Endowments
Due date: January 15
The Community Foundation Animal Welfare Endowments (formerly the Ruth C. Wright Endowment for Animals) provides grant funding for nonprofit organizations in the South Plains area that address the needs of lost, abandoned and injured animals. Funding is made possible through the Ruth C. Wright Endowment For Animals, Jimmy Nelson Endowment, and Alice Virginia White Endowment for Cats and Dogs.
Sybil Harrington Endowment for the Arts
Due date: January 15
The Sybil B. Harrington Endowment for the Arts supports the ongoing artistic and cultural efforts of organizations, both large and small, as well as new and unique arts initiatives in Lubbock and Hale counties.
South Plains Foundation Grants
Due date: February 1 & August 1
The purpose of the South Plains Foundation program grants is to encourage the development of programs for charitable purposes in Lubbock County, Texas. Preference may be given to programs related to health care and/or educational services.
E. Jay Matsler Trust for Historic Preservation
Due date: September 1
(Total cumulative amount awarded for all grants through the E. Jay Matsler Trust for Historic Preservation will be approximately $20,000 yearly.)
The E. Jay Matsler Trust for Historic Preservation was established with a bequest of $348,000 for the purpose of supporting historic preservation projects in Lubbock and Hale counties. Mr. Matsler’s gift reflects his roots as the child of a Hale County pioneer family and avid supporter of historic preservation.
Mini-Grants for Teachers
Due date: June 1
This program provides small grants to elementary and secondary school teachers to enable them to enhance their class curriculum that will make learning memorable for students. With these funds, teachers can buy enriching teaching materials not provided for in school budgets.
Sample Documents
Once logged in, click the drop down menu in the grant portal to locate and complete the final report.
If you have any questions about the proposal process, please contact us by clicking here, or call us at (806) 762-8061.