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The following scholarships are endowed funds within the Foundation. If the Foundation is accepting applications for a scholarship, you can apply through our Universal Application (link coming) which will open at the beginning of 2025. Please revisit this page for the link to sign up and apply in early 2025.

CFWTX has transitioned to a new application for our scholarships. All students will need to create a new account to apply for scholarships starting in 2025. Contact Denise if you have further questions.

In all cases, scholarship payments are made directly to the educational institution and can be used for tuition, fees and books only. Unused funds are returned to the Foundation at the end of the academic year.

All deadlines for the Fall 2025 semester are March 15.

If you would like to donate to a scholarship fund, please click HERE and write the name of the scholarship you wish to give in the notes section.

If donating by check, please make the check out to The Community Foundation of West Texas with the name of the scholarship on the memo line and send or drop it by our office. 

Advantage Medical Staffing Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Advantage Medical Staffing for the benefit of students who are pursuing a baccalaureate degree with a major in nursing.

- Students who are 25 years of age or older and are pursuing a career as a Licensed Vocational Nurse or Registered Nurse.
- Current enrollment or application for admission to a college/university in the Lubbock area is required.
- Past recipients are eligible to reapply.
- Financial need.

Association of Texas Leaders for Education Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Association of Texas Leaders for Education (ATLE) for Texas resident graduating seniors who will be attending a Texas school to pursue a secondary education.

- Graduating senior
- A 3.5 or higher GPA
- Financial need may be considered
- Demonstrated service to community and to school
- Intent to enroll as a full-time student at an accredited college, university, or technical school in Texas during the fall semester following graduation from high school with the intent of receiving a degree
- Positive personal, school, and community references

Association of Texas Leaders for Education TASFAA Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Association of Texas Leaders for Education (ATLE) for Texas Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (TASFAA) members.

- Be a current member of the Texas Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (TASFAA)
- Intend to enroll at least as a half-time student (e.g., a minimum of 6 credit hours for an undergraduate) during the upcoming fall semester at an accredited Texas college, university, or technical school
- Intend to enroll with the purpose of earning a degree
- Demonstrated service to TASFAA or the community
- Provide a positive personal reference letter from a current employer, community leader, or leader within TASFAA (i.e., board member, committee chair, etc.)
- Preference for those with financial aid

Autumn Day Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Larry & Karen Day as a way of saying thank you to the residents of Terry County for the kindness shown their family when their niece, Autumn, sustained life-threatening injuries in a horse-riding accident.

Terry County High School Seniors

- Graduating seniors from Terry County High School
- Financial need
- Student must be committed to furthering their education at the post-secondary level

Bentley and Roberta Pollard Family Scholarship

Bentley Pollard served his country proudly and honorably during his 26-year career in the U.S. Army. He rose to the rank of Master Sergeant and was highly decorated. He met Roberta Pollard, and the two were married until he died in 1980. One of the greatest desires of Mr. and Mrs. Pollard was to see their six children extend their public learning and attend and graduate from an institution of higher education, be it a college or accredited trade school. The children – Norval, Corine, Rebecca, Bentley, Chalmer, and Jessica – can think of no better way to honor the legacy of their parents than to establish an endowment in their name that will assist Gold Star families and the families of U.S. military veterans in pursuing higher education for a spouse, child, grandchild, or sibling.

These are competitive awards with the primary areas of qualifications being:
• Graduating high school senior of a Lubbock County high school
• Preference given to:
- Member of a Gold Star Family (immediate family member)
- OR Child of military parent(s) on active duty
- OR Immediate family member of a retired military veteran
- OR Immediate family member of First Responders
• Financial need may be considered

Bill Mulder SEAL Spirit Award

This scholarship was established by Melissa and Leland Brockman and Pam and Bret Barnett in honor of Bill Mulder.

The William C. "Bill" Mulder SEAL Spirit Scholarship will be presented annually in May to a senior Plainview High School (PHS) athlete who exemplifies many of the traits and attributes that Bill was known for.

- Student should be respectful of teachers, adults, and others
- Demonstrates tenacity toward the objective in athletics and in the classroom
- Demonstrate a "never quit" attitude and encourage the same in others
- Demonstrate leadership and accountability
- Demonstrate a love for others and for country

The student also must have a minimum 2.5 GPA. They should also have a reputation as a hard worker in the classroom as well as in athletics - someone who works hard and puts forth their very best effort.

Bobby Rogers Memorial

Bobby Rogers graduated from Post High School in 1953 and was the first in his family to attend college. He had very little financial support and worked hard to pay his way. His successful career as a chemical engineer allowed his family to endow this scholarship in hope of inspiring others to follow his path.

This is a competitive award with the primary areas of qualifications being:
- Graduating high school senior of Post High School or any school in Garza County
- Financial need may be considered
- Intent to attend a University, College, or Trade School after graduation

Cates Family Scholarship

A.V. and Sherry (Bankhead) Cates graduated from Lubbock High School in 1955. Both engaged in careers as educators that looked back on those high school years as formative. Carl and Kristy Cates have established this endowment to honor their teaching careers by offering a scholarship to a Lubbock High School graduate.

These are competitive awards with the primary areas of qualifications being:
• Graduating senior of Lubbock High School
• Planning to attend any two-year or four-year regionally accredited institution of higher learning.
• Financial need may be considered

Charles A. & Grace Guy Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Mr. & Mrs. Ray Diekemper in honor and now in memory of Mr. Charles Guy, civic leader and former editor of the Lubbock Avalanche Journal.

Students majoring in Journalism in the Mass Communications Department, College of Arts and Sciences at Texas Tech University

- Financial need
- Personal integrity
- Scholastic potential or achievement
- Dedication to making the world a better place in which to live

Scholarship recipients are decided upon by a dedicated scholarship selection committee from those meeting eligibility requirements. The selection committee carefully reviews eligible candidates based on predetermined criteria to award scholarships to deserving individuals.

Cheryl Scott Thompson Scholarship

This fund was established by Mr. & Mrs. Ray Diekemper in memory of Cheryl Scott Thompson.

Graduating Seniors of Estacado High School (Lubbock)

- 3.0 GPA in academic subjects for their junior and senior years
- Preference given to students of black heritage

Clay R. Warren Memorial Scholarship

This fund was established by Mark and Freada Warren in memory of their son Clay, who was tragically killed in 2002. It is because of Clay’s spirit this scholarship was created so that many who have made this possible, can rejoice at the opportunity to help a PHS student of the Choral Music Department performance group member to enroll in a post-secondary education program.

Plainview High School Seniors who are members of a performance group in the Plainview High Choral Music Department.

Weighed equally-academic standing, citizenship and financial need

Dan Johnson Scholarship

This scholarship fund was established by the senior class of 2000 to honor their classmate Dan Johnson. The goal is to fund future generations of scientists, biologists, and nature lovers who also begin their educational journeys at Shallowater High School.

-GPA of 3.5 or higher
- Open to all graduating Shallowater High School seniors
- Preferences for the following:
+ A love of the outdoors
+ Someone who has been personally affected by cancer
+ A love of reading or storytelling
+ Demonstrated financial need

Expectations of Recipient:
Every scholarship awardee should plan to introduce himself or herself to Dan’s parents either through a scheduled in-person meeting, telephone call, or letter. The awardee should give a brief description of why the scholarship is important to him or her and what plans he or she has for college major and/or career. Additional updates or annual check-ins are always welcome and appreciated!

Danny Gunn Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Melinda Gunn in memory of Danny Gunn, a dedicated agriculture teacher and FFA advisor. Danny Gunn was proud of his students’ accomplishments and throughout his life impacted innumerable lives throughout his teaching career.

- Graduating seniors at an Area 1 FFA Texas high school
- Area 1 includes the following counties: Armstrong, Bailey, Briscoe, Carson, Castro, Childress, Cochran, Collingsworth, Cottle, Crosby, Dallam, Deaf Smith, Dickens, Donley, Floyd, Gray, Hale, Hall, Hansford, Hardeman, Hartley, Hemphill, Hockley, Hutchinson, King, Lamb, Lipscomb, Lubbock, Moore, Motley, Ochiltree, Oldham, Parmer, Potter, Randall, Roberts, Sherman, Swisher and Wheeler

- GPA of 3.5 or higher
- Financial need
- Intent to enroll as a full-time student (at least 12 hours) at either Texas Tech University or Texas A&M University during the fall semester following graduation from high school with the intent of receiving an agriculture related degree
- Must have been a member of FFA in high school with a letter of recommendation from agriculture teacher or FFA sponsor

Diekemper Sofia Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Mrs. Lou Dunn Diekemper, a former student of the global program who felt it to be a life-changing experience and wished to offer support and encouragement to older students of the program.

Students 40 years of age and older in the global program of Sofia Univeristy in Palo Alto, California

Don & Sybil Harrington Scholarship

This prestigious scholarship was established for the benefit of truly exceptional students from Lubbock County High Schools who wish to pursue their education in the fields of Mathematics, Physical Sciences or Engineering.

- Lubbock County high school seniors
- Pursuit of degree in Physical Sciences, Mathematics or Engineering
- Minimum SAT score of 1290 or ACT score of 28
- High school GPA of 3.5 or higher

- Scholastic potential or achievement
- Financial need may be considered

*We understand FAFSA is delayed this year. Please make a note in your application saying that information is not available at this time and we will reach out for more information.*

Don Taylor Endowed Scholarship

The Don Taylor Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in memory/honor of Don Taylor’s family members, including Charline Taylor, David Taylor, Donna Rocha, Devin Rocha, and Kylie Rocha.

This scholarship will be awarded to the students with the top GPAs of the graduating class of Roosevelt High School who will be pursuing a post-secondary education. (Number of awards vary year to year.)

Dunco R.E. "Peck" Williams Tuition Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Mr. & Mrs. Ray Diekemper to honor R.E. “Peck” Williams who worked in the oil fields for many years and then later became the manager of the Dunco Oil Field Supply store in Levelland, Texas.

History, Technology and Petroleum Technology Students at South Plains College, Levelland

- Financial need
- Personal integrity
- Scholastic potential or achievement

Elleta Nolte Scholarship

Elleta Nolte was a woman of great faith; a vibrant spirit who loved to learn! She let nothing stand in the way of accomplishing her dreams. At the age of 71 and having never been to college, she started working on a university degree. This led to her graduation from Texas Tech University at the age of 89! This scholarship was created to honor Elleta’s legacy, to motivate and inspire others, and to help remove an obstacle for someone who has decided to pursue a dream of higher education. It is open to current students who are interested in furthering their education.

Preference will be given to individuals who could be classified as non-traditional students, including those who are starting or continuing their education later in life, those seeking training for a second career, single parents, and anyone who must overcome major challenges to return to school.

ELIGIBILITY: These are competitive awards with the primary areas of qualifications being: Currently enrolled in college, university or trade school. Preference given to non-traditional students. Financial need may be considered.

Fallen Heroes Fund Scholarship

The Community Foundation of West Texas has established the Fallen Heroes Fund to assist with educational expenses of dependent survivors of service men and women and first responders who have died on active duty since September 11, 2001. Dependent survivors would include spouse, sons, and daughters (biological, adopted or step children). The scholarships are available as supplements to financial aid and survivor educational benefits. The applicant may be registered as a full or part-time student. Scholarship funding will not exceed the cost of a four-year degree at Texas Tech University.

George & Bessie Yantis McCleskey Memorial Scholarship

This fund was established by the descendants of George & Bessie McCleskey in memory of George and Bessie McCleskey and their courage, hard work, and dreams for their children.

Rotan High School seniors who plan to pursue an education at the post-secondary level

- Financial need may be considered
- Demonstrated service to the community and to school
- Intent to enroll as a full-time student (12 hours) at an accredited college, university, or technical school during the fall semester following graduation from high school with the intent of receiving a degree
- Eligible students will be asked to interview with the Scholarship Advisory Committee

George Scott Jr. Memorial Scholarship

This fund was established by Mr. Kent Hance in memory of his good friend George Scott Jr.

Lubbock County High School seniors

- Student will be attending Texas Tech University
- Preference given to African American students

Girl Scouts Gold Award Scholarship

This fund was established by Frances Winn to benefit Girl Scouts members who have achieved Gold Award level.

These are competitive awards with the primary areas of qualifications being: a High School senior who will graduate from an accredited Texas High School who has achieved the level of Gold Award in Girl Scouts.

Preference will be given to Lubbock County Girl Scouts.

Hannah Grace Venable "Work Hard and Be Nice" Scholarship

The Hannah Grace Venable "Work Hard and Be Nice" Scholarship was established by an anonymous donor. Hannah Grace was a work of heart. She was born on Feb. 7, 2000, to Keith and Karla McGill Venable in Lubbock. She gave life everywhere she went. She loved cheering with her girls at Laura Bush Middle School and being with her therapy horse Hank. This scholarship will be for a Graduating senior of Lubbock Cooper High School who attended Laura Bush Middle School for all 3 years and LCHS for all 4 years.

Without discrimination toward race or sex, the following eligibility requirements shall apply to candidates for the Hannah Grace Venable Scholarship:
• Graduating senior of Lubbock Cooper High School who attended Laura Bush Middle School for all 3 years and LCHS for all 4 years

• student who demonstrates a strong work ethic both inside and outside of the school setting
• student who treats others with dignity and respect

Heather Robinson Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Cindy Best in memory of Heather Robinson. This scholarship is intended for medical students specializing in the field of oncology or cancer research.

- Intent to pursue a degree related to cancer or cancer research
- Financial need
- Current enrollment at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
- Academically motivated with a clear career path.

J. B. Mason Memorial Scholarship

This fund was established by Mr. Robert Snell in memory of J.B. Mason to benefit outstanding graduating seniors of Lubbock High School who have been selected as recipients of the All-Westerner Award.

Graduating seniors of Lubbock High School

Recipient of All Westerner Recognition

Joan Bailey Merritt Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Mr. & Mrs. Ray Diekemper to honor Joan Bailey Merritt, a longtime resident of Lubbock and head pediatric nurse at a local hospital for many years.

Texas Tech University School of Nursing Students

- Financial need
- Personal integrity
- Scholastic potential or achievement

Scholarship recipients are decided upon by a dedicated scholarship selection committee from those meeting eligibility requirements. The selection committee carefully reviews eligible candidates based on predetermined criteria to award scholarships to deserving individuals.

John T. Montford Scholarship

We are fortunate to have many among us who have provided inspirational leadership and given of themselves to better our community. In honor of these Lubbock heroes, the Community Foundation of West Texas hosts an annual Hero’s Luncheon to recognize their many great accomplishments. This scholarship fund was established through contributions to the 2001 Hero’s Luncheon honoring former State Senator and Texas Tech University Chancellor John Montford.

Students at Texas Tech University and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (one award per school)

First generation students

Scholarship recipients are decided upon by a dedicated scholarship selection committee from those meeting eligibility requirements. The selection committee carefully reviews eligible candidates based on predetermined criteria to award scholarships to deserving individuals.

Johnny Clanton Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Mrs. Beth Clanton and her daughters in memory of her husband Johnny for the benefit of a graduating Seminole High School student who will be pursuing a post-secondary education.

- Students must be a graduating senior of Seminole High School who has been in the Seminole school district since the 7th grade.
- The student must be continuing their education at the post-secondary level.
- Student must have participated in an agricultural project while in high school. (This may be in the form of membership on a judging team or animal project. This may be through the FFA or 4-H.)

L. Edwin Smith Tuition Scholarship

This fund was established by Mr. & Mrs. Ray Diekemper to honor Mr. L. Edwin Smith, a distinguished alumnus of the Texas Tech University accounting program.

Accounting majors at Texas Tech University Rawls College of Business

- Financial need
- Personal integrity
- Scholastic potential or achievement

Scholarship recipients are decided upon by a dedicated scholarship selection committee from those meeting eligibility requirements. The selection committee carefully reviews eligible candidates based on predetermined criteria to award scholarships to deserving individuals.

Legacy of Learning Scholarship

The Mary E. Massingill Scholarship Fund was launched in 2018 to honor the many contributions of Mary E. Massingill who retired from Lubbock ISD at the age of 85 after a 44-year career as a Kindergarten Teaching Assistant. She began teaching at Murfee Elementary, then moved to Honey Elementary as part of the inaugural staff when the school opened in 1983. During her career, Mary supported literacy for generations of children, but more importantly, she helped fuel a love of learning. The scholarship for Honey Bear Scholars recognizes the promise found in high school students graduating, ready for college and career. This Legacy of Learning Scholar recognizes the promise found in a college student, ready for student teaching and a career in education, as well as the critical importance of a caring and qualified teacher in every classroom.

The Mary E. Massingill Legacy of Learning Scholar recognition will be awarded to a student teacher from Texas Tech each year.

- Junior or Senior in Texas Tech Education Department
- GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Student teaching in semester to be awarded

- Scholastic potential or achievement
- Record of service to community or school
- Financial need may be considered
- Preference given to student pursuing Elementary Education major

Lion Heart Scholarship

This fund was established by Mr. Robert Snell to benefit outstanding graduating seniors of Trinity Christian High School who have been selected as recipients of the Lion Heart Award.

Graduating seniors of Trinity Christian High School

Recipient of Trinity Christian High School Lion Heart Award

Love Remains Scholarship

The Love Remains Scholarship Fund was founded by Shelie Bravo-Williams out of a desire to help widowers and their children. As a widower herself, she found herself with little means to help her children continue on to higher education. As she built her real estate business she wanted to “pay it forward” by helping others and growing family legacies. Shelie's children and grandchildren are a part of the Love Remains Scholarship Fund, demonstrating that although one parent may be gone, a Family Legacy can be built and carried on.

Without discrimination toward race or sex, the following eligibility requirements shall apply to candidates for the Love Remains Scholarship:
- A Texas graduating senior who has lost a parent; or a current/prospective college/vocational training student who has lost a parent or spouse.
- Applicant must be from within the Texas South Plains area of Bailey, Cochran, Crosby, Dickens, Floyd, Garza, Hale, Hockley, King, Lamb, Lubbock, Lynn, Motley, Terry, and Yoakum counties.
- Financial need may be considered.
- Intent to enroll as a full-time student (at least 12 credit hours) at an accredited college, university or technical school during the fall semester with the intent of receiving a degree.
- Positive personal reference from a school teacher or community member.

Lubbock Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Chapter Memorial Scholarship Fund

This scholarship was established by the former Lubbock Chapter of the Achievement Rewards for College Scientists.

- Full-time student
- Faculty nomination
- U.S. citizen

This scholarship is intended for students pursuing a PhD in the natural sciences. These include:
- Agriculture (scientific research areas)
- Arts and Sciences: Geologic Sciences, Mathematics, Biological Sciences, Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Environmental Toxicology (scientific research areas)
- Engineering (scientific research areas)
- Human Sciences: Nutrition (scientific research areas)

Lubbock Art Association Scholarship

​Founded in 1951, the Lubbock Art Association was a community based visual arts organization that played an active role in promoting the fine arts and art education in the South Plains region until its dissolution in 2003. In furthering the Association’s efforts to strengthen the importance of the fine arts in this region for artists and art lovers, the Lubbock Art Association Scholarship Fund awards are made to talented young artists so they may continue their art education at the post-secondary level.

Lubbock County seniors who plan to pursue art education at the post-secondary level.

- Graduating senior of Lubbock County high school
- High school credits in advanced art courses
- Up to 3 original pieces of artwork must be dropped off at the CFWT offices as part of the application process.

Lubbock Manufacturers Scholarship

Established through the combined efforts of a group of Lubbock manufacturers, the purpose of this scholarship is to promote the study and practice of industrial technologies and metal trades in the Lubbock area, provide educational opportunities for deserving students and provide a quality workforce for area manufacturers to grow and prosper.

Lubbock County seniors who plan to pursue post-secondary education in industrial technology

- Minimum GPA of 2.5 for overall curriculum and 3.0 for Industrial Technology courses
- Exceptional interest, ability and aptitude to perform in the fields of Industrial Technology
- Interview may be conducted

Lubbock Optimist Club Phoenix Award Scholarship

This scholarship was created for Lubbock and South Plains area graduating high school seniors planning to attend a post-secondary institution. Students must be "At Risk", have dropped out of school, overcame obstacles and difficulties and have returned to high school to graduate, and show academic performance. Due date, number of awards and award amount may vary.

Please contact school guidance counselor or the Foundation for more information and/or application.

Lubbock Women's Study Club Scholarships

Minnie Lee Garrett Scholarship
Students of the Texas Tech University Rawls College of Business Administration

​​Christine DeVitt Education Scholarship
Students of the Texas Tech University College of Education

​​Hortense & E. H. Boedeker Scholarship
Students of the Texas Tech University School of Law

​Helen DeVitt Jones Scholarship
Students of the Texas Tech University School of Nursing

LWSC Engineering Scholarship
Students of the Texas Tech University College of Engineering

Christine DeVitt Medical Scholarship
Students of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine​

Scholarship recipients are decided upon by a dedicated scholarship selection committee from those meeting eligibility requirements. The selection committee carefully reviews eligible candidates based on predetermined criteria to award scholarships to deserving individuals.

Madeline Hegi Scholarship

Searching for a meaningful way to honor their mother, Madeline, who was a teacher in Tahoka schools for many years, John and Fred Hegi established this scholarship to further their mother’s lifelong interest in the children of her community. In doing so, they have created a legacy to Madeline’s love and concern for children.

Graduating Seniors from Tahoka High School

- Demonstration of academic achievement
- Selection is based on class rank within the top 15 students, national test scores (ACT 20 or higher; SAT 1000 or higher)
- Intent to enroll as a full-time student at an accredited college, university or technical school
- Character and Integrity
- Community service
- Intent to graduate
- Personal references
- Financial need may be considered

Mark and Becky Lanier Raider/Mustang Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Mark and Becky Lanier and the McKenzie Middle School PTA to honor and recognize a graduating Coronado High School senior who attended Coronado High School for four years and Mackenzie Middle School for three years.

- Graduating Coronado High School senior who attended Coronado High School for four years and Mackenzie Middle School for three years
- 3.0 or higher GPA
- Involved in extracurricular activities and community service
- Intent to enroll as a full-time student (at least 12 credit hours) at an accredited junior college, university or technical school during the fall semester following graduation from high school with the intent of receiving a degree
- Financial need will be considered

Mary E. Massingill Honey Bear Scholarship

The Mary E. Massingill Scholarship Fund was launched in 2018 to honor the many contributions of Mary E. Massingill who retired from Lubbock ISD at the age of 85 after a 44-year career as a Kindergarten Teaching Assistant. She began teaching at Murfee Elementary, then moved to Honey Elementary as part of the inaugural staff when the school opened in 1983. During her career, Mary supported literacy for generations of children, but more importantly, she helped fuel a love of learning. The scholarship for Honey Bear Scholars recognizes the promise found in high school students graduating, ready for college and career. This Legacy of Learning Scholar recognizes the promise found in a college student, ready for student teaching and a career in education, as well as the critical importance of a caring and qualified teacher in every classroom.

Please note the Honey Bear Scholars will be awarded to a graduating high school senior each year. The Mary E. Massingill Legacy of Learning Scholar recognition will be awarded to a student teacher from Texas Tech each year.

These are competitive awards with the primary areas of qualifications being:
Graduating high school senior who attended Honey Elementary (confirmed by LISD)
GPA of 3.0 or higher
Planning to attend an accredited College or University in Texas

Scholastic potential or achievement
Record of service to community or school
Financial need may be considered
Preference given to student pursuing post-secondary study in Education

Matthew Lowrie Memorial Scholarship 

This scholarship honors a 25 year-old that left an everlasting impact on much of the Lubbock community. Matthew had a huge heart and exhibited kindness to everyone he met.

It is open to Coronado High School graduating senior who was involved in either band/choir for three years, preference that student attended LISD for elementary and middle school; employed and a student with strong character and determination.

Maude A. Brown Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Maude A. Brown Scholarship Trust Fund. The scholarship is to be awarded to a graduating Spur High School student who will be furthering their education at the post-secondary level. Preference shall be given to a student who will be majoring in Education.

- Graduate of Spur High School
- Financial need
- Majoring in Education
- If already attending college, must have 12 hours completed and a 3.0 GPA

McMahan Family Scholarship

We are fortunate enough to have many among us who have provided inspirational leadership and given of themselves to better our community. In honor of these Lubbock heroes, the Community Foundation of West Texas hosts an annual Hero's Luncheon to recognize their many great accomplishments. This scholarship fund was established through contribution to the 2017 Hero's Luncheon honoring Linda and George McMahan. The McMahan family is pleased to present this scholarship to a graduating Frenship High School senior.

- Graduating Frenship High School senior who is number three (3) in their graduating class, or the first one after the valedictorian or salutatorian who will be attending Texas Tech University.
- The student must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 or higher.

Monterey High School Class of 1959 Scholarship

This fund was established by the MHS Class of 1959 to benefit graduating seniors of Monterey High School who have achieved graduation despite severe circumstances in their lives.

Graduating Seniors of Monterey High School (Lubbock)

- Desire to graduate
- Obstacles and difficulties overcome in reaching graduation
- Academic performance

Mr. & Miss All Saints High School Scholarship

This fund was established by Mr. Robert Snell to benefit outstanding graduating seniors of All Saints High School who have been selected as Mr. & Miss All Saints High School.

Graduating Seniors of All Saints High School (Lubbock)

Recipient of Mr. & Miss All Saints High School Recognition

Mr. & Miss Cooper High School Scholarship

This fund was established by Mr. Robert Snell to benefit outstanding graduating seniors of Cooper High School who have been selected as Mr. & Miss Cooper High School.

Graduating seniors of Cooper High School

Recipient of Mr. & Miss Cooper High School recognition

Mr. & Miss Coronado High School Scholarship

This fund was established by Mr. Robert Snell to benefit outstanding graduating seniors of Coronado High School who have been selected as Mr. & Miss Coronado High School.

Graduating seniors of Coronado High School

Recipient of Mr. & Miss Coronado High School recognition

Mr. & Miss Monterey High School Scholarship

This fund was established by Mr. Robert Snell to benefit outstanding graduating seniors of Monterey High School who have been selected as Mr. & Miss Monterey High School.

Graduating seniors of Monterey High School (Lubbock)

Recipient of Mr. & Miss Monterey High School Recognition

New Directions Scholarship

This fund was established by Mrs. Lou Diekemper to provide educational support to graduating Lubbock County high school seniors who wish to pursue some type of higher education.

These are competitive awards with the primary areas of qualifications being:
- Graduating senior at a Lubbock County high school
- Financial need may be considered
- Academically motivated
- Preference will be given to young ladies who have given birth during school or are pregnant and planning to continue their post-secondary education

- Financial need may be considered
- Academically motivated

Noyce and Joe Burleson and Harriet Burleson Flache Scholarship Fund

This scholarship was established by Mr. Joe Burleson in memory of his wife, Noyce, who taught theater and speech at Meadow High School for many years.

Meadow High School seniors

- Graduating seniors from Meadow High School who have attended Meadow High School for the past 2 years
- Student must demonstrate good character and be in satisfactory academic standing

Owen W. McWhorter Scholarship

This fund was established by Mr. & Mrs. Ray Diekemper in honor and now in memory of Mr. Owen McWhorter, founder of the McWhorter Cobb & Johnson law firm and a gentleman of high ethical standards.

TTU Law School Students

- Financial need
- Personal integrity
- Scholastic potential or achievement
- Dedication to making the world a better place in which to live

Philip Johnson Tuition Scholarship

This fund was established by Mr. & Mrs. Ray Diekemper to recognize Mr. Philip Johnson for his contributions as an engineering educator and as a participant in the petroleum engineering industry.

Full-time student at Texas Tech University pursuing a BS degree in Petroleum Engineering

- American citizen
- Financial need
- High personal integrity
- Scholastic potential or achievement

Scholarship recipients are decided upon by a dedicated scholarship selection committee from those meeting eligibility requirements. The selection committee carefully reviews eligible candidates based on predetermined criteria to award scholarships to deserving individuals.

Plainview High School Class of 1965 Scholarship

This fund was established by members of the Plainview High School Class of 1965 who have enjoyed telling PHS stories for over 50 years and have decided to celebrate their past by helping future PHS graduates successfully launch their college careers.

Scholarships will rotate yearly with an outstanding woman receiving the scholarship on even numbered years and an outstanding man on odd numbered years.

Graduating Plainview High School seniors who will be attending an accredited college or university

- Academic standing
- Personal integrity and determination

Polly Kiker Memorial Scholarship

This fund was established by Mary Mills in memory of her sister Polly Kiker. Polly Kiker began the magnet program at Estacado High School after serving as a teacher for many years. Her belief in Estacado, its students and the magnet program lives on through the Polly Kiker Memorial Scholarship.

Without discrimination toward race or sex, the following eligibility requirements shall apply to candidates for the Polly Kiker Memorial Scholarship:
- Graduating senior who are members of one or more magnet programs at Estacado High School
- Exemplary academic achievement
- Citizen of the United States
- Financial need may be considered
- Intent to enroll as a full-time student (at least 12 credit hours) at an accredited college, university or technical school during the fall semester following graduation from high school with the intent of receiving a degree

- American citizen
- Financial need
- High personal integrity
- Scholastic potential or achievement

Post Antelope Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Post Garza County Endowment for a graduating senior of Post High School, or a past graduate of Post High School, or a current resident of Garza Co. and/or a current employee of Post ISD who is currently enrolled in or is intending to enroll in an accredited college, university, or technical school in Texas. Non-traditional students (i.e. employed full-time or part-time students) are encouraged to apply.

A graduating senior of Post High School, or a past graduate of Post High School, or a current resident of Garza Co. and/or a current employee of Post ISD who is currently enrolled in or is intending to enroll in an accredited college, university, or technical school in Texas

ROTC Scholarship

The ROTC Scholarship was established by an anonymous donor. This scholarship will be for a graduating senior of a Lubbock County High School involved in the ROTC program at their school.

Without discrimination toward race or sex, the following eligibility requirements shall apply to candidates for the ROTC Scholarship:
- Graduating senior of a Lubbock County High School
- Involved in the ROTC program

Roy Voyles Scholarship

The Roy Voyles Scholarship was established by his family to honor his memory. Mr. Voyles was a very hardworking, self-taught (by reading every manual he ever had!) and wise man. He taught evening classes at South Plains College teaching the HVAC class.

Without discrimination toward race or sex, the following eligibility requirements shall apply to candidates for the Roy Voyles Scholarship:
- Enrolled in the Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology program at South Plains College.
- GPA of 2.5 or higher
- Work part-time while attending school
- Demonstrated financial need

Sarah Eiland Noret Scholarship 

This scholarship is open to a graduating high school senior of a Dawson County or Lubbock County High School who will be attending Texas Tech University and a member of the Texas Tech marching band.

Open to a graduating high school senior of a Dawson County or Lubbock County High School who will be attending Texas Tech University and a member of the Texas Tech marching band.

Shari Poole Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Shari’s family to continue her years of supporting the education of students in the Post ISD. She taught 4th grade in Post and was always focused on having her students ready to move up to higher grades especially by knowing their multiplication facts!

- Student must be a graduating senior of Post High School.
- Have plans for a post-secondary education, but not necessarily in a 4-year college.
- Student must have a record of participation in community service, UIL programs, and/or athletics.

Slaton Area Endowment Scholarship

The Slaton Area Endowment established the Slaton Area Endowment Scholarship in 2022 for Slaton High School graduating students. The Scholarship was established to encourage Slaton High School graduating students to continue their education beyond High School.

- Student must be a graduating student of Slaton High School
- Student must be committed to furthering their education at the post secondary level
- Student must be of good character
- Student must have completed at least 10 hours of community service within the last two years

Slaton Education Foundation Scholarship

Open to graduating high school seniors of Slaton High School who intend to attend a trade school, vocational, college or university. Preference will be given to students planning to attend trade school and vocational programs.

South Plains Great 25 Nurses

This scholarship was established and available to students who have been accepted to an accredited nursing school (Covenant, TTUHSC, LCU or SPC) and must reside in Region 1B, or the New Mexico border of Curry, Roosevelt or Lea counties.

Southland High School Scholarship

This scholarship is open to a graduating senior of Southland High School with plans to attend a Junior College or 4-year university. 

Open to a graduating senior of Southland High School with plans to attend a Junior College or 4-year university. Student should also have a 3.0 or higher GPA as well as be involved in extracurricular activities and community service and must also have a positive citizenship. 

Stacey Martin Scholarship

This scholarship was established in memory Stacey Martin to provide scholarships to graduating seniors from Coronado High School who also attended Mackenzie Middle School.

Mr. Martin graduated from New Mexico Junior College in 1985 with an Associate of Science degree prior to graduating with his Bachelor of Science in Communications at Eastern New Mexico State University in 1987. He then attended Texas Tech University, where he completed coursework for his Texas teacher certification in 1989. In 1998, Wayland Baptist University awarded his Masters of Instructional Leadership degree.

He began his teaching and coaching career in Cotton Center, Texas, where he taught from 1990 - 1992 before coming to Alderson Junior High in Lubbock from 1992-1999. Mr. Martin began his administrative career as an assistant principal at Dunbar Junior High in 1999 and remained there until transferring as an assistant principal to Monterey High School from 2003-2010. He transitioned to Mackenzie Middle School as an assistant principal in 2010. It was his wish that every student reach their full potential.

Recipient will be awarded in 2025.

This is a competitive award with the primary areas of qualifications being:
- Graduating high school senior of Coronado High School who attended Mackenzie Middle School
- Student has overcome challenges in their life
- Financial need may be considered
- Intent to attend a University, College, or Trade School after graduation

Texas Boys Ranch Scholarship

Young men who have attended the campus at the Texas Boys’ Ranch or the Children's Home of Lubbock and wish to pursue higher education

The Don R. and Yadira Pendergrass Lubbock High School Alumni Association Scholarship Fund in Memory of William A. Meador

This fund was established by the Lubbock High School Alumni Association to benefit graduating seniors of Lubbock High School who will be attending an accredited college, university in the Texas Panhandle-Plains area or school in the Texas Tech University System (University of Texas at Austin on years the Jimmy Welch Scholarship is awarded). Scholarship will alternate in the name of Don R. and Yadira Pendergrass, Jimmy Welch, Jerry Crawford, and William A. Meador.

(Alternate year scholarships will be: The Don R. and Yadira Pendergrass Lubbock High School Alumni Association Scholarship Fund in Memory of Don R. & Yadira Pendergrass; The Don R. and Yadira Pendergrass Lubbock High School Alumni Association Scholarship Fund in Memory of Jimmy Welch; The Don R. and Yadira Pendergrass Lubbock High School Alumni Association Scholarship Fund in Memory of Jerry Crawford; and The Don R. and Yadira Pendergrass Lubbock High School Alumni Association Scholarship Fund in Memory of William A. Meador.)

- Graduating Seniors of Lubbock High School who will be attending an accredited college or university in the Texas Panhandle-Plains area or school in the Texas Tech University System.
- Recipients must maintain at least a 2.5 GPA, be enrolled in 12 residential hours or more each semester, and be promoted to Sophomore after the first full year, Junior after the second full year, Senior after the third full year, and graduate after the fourth full year to receive subsequent awards. The four year period may be divided between qualifying junior and senior colleges.

The following criteria will be weighed equally: financial need (not eligible for Pell grants, but family income not sufficient to pay for college education expenses); academic standing; and citizenship

The Floyd Honey Westerner Spirit Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Senior Class of 1955 to pay tribute to former Lubbock High School principal, Floyd Honey.

Lubbock High School seniors

- Demonstration of the Westerner Spirit of friendship, loyalty and service
- Only slight or no recognition from other sources

Theodore R. Phea Sr. Tuition Scholarship

This scholarship fund was established by Mr. & Mrs. Ray Diekemper to honor Theodore R. Phea, Sr., a long time civic and religious leader in Lubbock, and a man who many in our community believe led a life worthy of example.

Students at Texas College in Tyler

- Financial need
- Personal integrity
- Scholastic potential or achievement

Tom and Bernice Braxton Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Thomas Braxton and his sister Ruby Braxton in memory of their parents, James and Bernice Braxton. James and Bernice were educators in the Lubbock ISD for almost 30 years. This scholarship is open to graduating seniors of a Lubbock County high school and plans to major in Music at a Texas college or University.

Open to graduating seniors of a Lubbock County high school and plans to major in Music at a college of university in Texas.

Tom and Janie Aday Scholarship Fund

- Graduating Plainview High School senior
- Intent to attend either the Texas Tech University Pharmacy School or Southwestern Oklahoma State University School of Pharmacy.

Tomorrow Youth Endowment Scholarship

This fund was established by Mr. John Tye to support the educational endeavors of graduates of Lockney High School.

Graduates of Lockney High School who are or will be attending Texas Tech University with a major in Engineering, Science or Business Administration

Weldon and Ruth Gibbs Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Mr. Weldon Gibbs and Mrs. Ruth Gibbs who worked their way through school during the Depression. The Gibbs family values service to community and church and the ability to persevere to overcome obstacles even more than a strong academic record. This scholarship was established to foster those qualities.

Texas Tech University College of Arts & Sciences students

- Financial need
- Record or reputation, as a youth, of substantial community involvement and/or church involvement
- Above average academic record is NOT a requirement or prerequisite to qualification

Scholarship recipients are decided upon by a dedicated scholarship selection committee from those meeting eligibility requirements. The selection committee carefully reviews eligible candidates based on predetermined criteria to award scholarships to deserving individuals.

Wes Woodard Memorial Scholarship

This fund was established by Jody and Kathryn Woodard in memory of their son Henry Wesley “Wes” Woodard, who was tragically killed in a car accident 3 weeks before graduating with his Meadow ISD Class of 2023. Wes was known throughout much of West Texas to be multi-talented in Athletics (Basketball, Track, Cross Country and Football) as well as FFA, UIL, One Act Play, Student Council, and his Christian Ministry of mentoring younger kids.

With the enormous support shown the Woodard Family and Meadow ISD from the Meadow Community, surrounding schools, and throughout West Texas, the family would like to give back and help a well-rounded Meadow ISD graduating Senior who has shown leadership in both athletic and other extracurricular activities.

If you would like to make a donation to the Wes Woodard Memorial Scholarship, please visit:

These are competitive awards with the primary areas of qualifications being:
- Graduating senior at Meadow High School
- Plans to attend a trade school, college or university
- Well rounded student who was involved as a student-athlete, community service, UIL etc

West Texas Paralegal Association Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the West Texas Paralegal Association to provide educational support for students pursuing an associate's degree in Paralegal Studies at South Plains College.

Legal residents of Crosby, Floyd, Garza, Hale, Hockley, Lamb, Lubbock, Lynn, or Terry counties who are enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours in the Paralegal Studies, AAS program of South Plains College.

Verification of enrollment or a copy of the letter of acceptance from South Plains College, and completion of online essay.

Whitehead Family Scholarship

This scholarship is open to graduating seniors of Lubbock High School who will be enrolling at Texas Tech University in the School of Business.

William Meadors Lifelong Learner Scholarship

The William Meadors Lifelong Learner Scholarship was established by an anonymous donor. Mr. Meadors went to school at Frenship, Texas Tech, and Library School at University of North Texas. Bill taught English, reading and social studies for ten years, then was librarian at Lubbock High School for 38 years. Bill's goals in life were to love God, love his neighbor, and encourage a love of reading. Bill volunteered for Lubbock Friends of the Library, The National Ranching Heritage Center, and the O.L.L.I Program. He loved giving book talks and leading book discussions. One scholarship will be awarded per year.

Without discrimination toward race or sex, the following eligibility requirements shall apply to candidates for the William Meadors Lifelong Learner Scholarship:
• Graduating senior of Lubbock High School
• 3.5 or Higher GPA
• Low Socioeconomic Status
• Preference will be given to student who has been through the Foster Care System
• Student who demonstrates the qualities of a lifelong learner including curiosity about the world, arts, cultures, and the ability to make connections between prior and new knowledge.

Winfred & Ellen Tucker Scholarship

This fund was established by the family of Winfred & Ellen Tucker

Graduating senior of Meadow High School who will be pursuing a post-secondary education in Viticulture and/or Agriculture.

- Student must have a 2.5 GPA or higher
- Financial need
- Intent to enroll as a full-time student (12 hours) at an accredited college, university, or technical school during the fall semester following graduation from high school with the intent of receiving a degree

Woman-to-Woman Scholarship

This scholarship fund was established by Dr. Lou Diekemper in order to provide support for women who are 50 years of age or older and find themselves in need of additional education or vocational training in order to obtain employment or to make a needed change in their current employment situation.

South Plains resident who will be attending a South Plains college/university or vocational training program

- Women 50 years of age or older
- Financial need
- Desire to obtain an undergraduate degree or certificate

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