#SPneighbors Grant Story: St. Benedict's Chapel
With a grant from the South Plains COVID-19 Relief Fund, St. Benedict's Chapel fed 7,371 people in the Lubbock region. During the height...

Slaton Area Endowment Grant Story: Llano Estacado Silver Star Board
Through the help of Slaton Area Endowment, Llano Estacado Silver Star Board provided one Slaton resident with ramps for her home. Jess...

#SPneighbors Grant Story: Salvation Army
Through the help of the South Plains COVID-19 Response Fund, the Salvation Army was able to help those impacted by the pandemic....

#SPneighbors Grant Story: Kingdom Come Ministries
Kingdom Come Ministries is another nonprofit that has benefitted from the South Plains Response Fund donations. Co-director Kristin...

#SPneighbors Grant Story: Meals on Wheels
The South Plains COVID-16 Response Fund has helped many nonprofits in this region navigate through the uncertainty of this pandemic. One...

Featured Grant Story: Women's Protective Services
CFWT recently awarded a Community Grant to Women’s Protective Services (WPS). WPS provides a safe environment, offers community...

Featured Grant Story: Post Animal Refuge Center
What is Post Animal Refuge Center? The mission of Post Animal Refuge Center (PARC) is to provide shelter, food and necessary medical...

Featured Grant Story: Habitat for Humanity
What is Habitat for Humanity? Habitat for Humanity is an ecumenical Christian organization dedicated to the idea that all people deserve...

Featured Grant Story: TTU Lubbock Lake Landmark
The Lubbock Lake Landmark State Historical Park is a Department of Texas Parks and Wildlife property operated in partnership with Texas...

Community Foundation of West Texas Annual Meeting & Recognition Luncheon
April 24, 2019 (Lubbock, TX) - The Community Foundation of West Texas held their Annual Meeting & Recognition Luncheon on Wednesday,...