2015 Grantee Luncheon
This year’s Grantee Luncheon was held at the Scottish Rite on August 13, 2015. The luncheon was a chance to honor grantees from 2014/2015, award Mini-Grants for Teachers for the 2015/2016 school year and make the exciting announcement about our name change.
We are so honored to be able to support all our grantees. This past year, each grant funded has made a significant difference in Lubbock and the surrounding communities. This difference is seen in the way in which each organization provides services to meet the needs in our communities.
The five impact areas of focus for the foundation are Arts & Culture, Animals, Basic Needs and Self Sufficiency, Education/Youth, Civic, Social and Economic Development.
Congratulations to the following five organizations who were awarded $500 awards:
Ballet Lubbock
Baptist Child & Family Services
Refuge Services
High Point Village
CrossView Christian Camp
Baptist Child & Family Services received the Impact Award and a $1000 award.

Mini-Grants for Teachers
The Foundation has been giving out Mini-Grants for Teachers since 1997. The program is designed for K-12 schools (public and private) in the South Plains area. This program provides small grants to elementary and secondary school teachers to enable them to try out creative teaching techniques and buy enriching teaching materials not provided for in school.
Funding for the Mini-Grants for Teachers is generously provided by:
South Plains Foundation
Parkhill Smith & Cooper
Diekemper Family Foundation
Odyssey Endowment
E.A. Franklin Charitable Trust
Audrey Divilbiss
Bill Bigham Endowment
Rushing Family Foundation
Larry and Mary Lee Franklin Endowment
Since 1997, the Mini-Grants for Teachers program has awarded grants to 419 teachers in 120 schools in 19 school districts. This year, we were able to fund 44 teachers.
The Mini-Grants for Teachers awarded this year were:
Abernathy Elementary School Ollie Hart Being versatile with VersaTiles
Abernathy Elementary School Jana Simmons Technology in the Classroom
Alderson Elementary School Glenda Heath Independent Reading
All Saints Episcopal High School Melissa Wafer-Cross All Saint Literary Magazine
All Saints Episcopal High School Paula Wims Weaving for Warmth
All Saints Episcopal School Karen Phillips From Mexico to the Moon!
All Saints Episcopal School Karen Gretzler The Centered Library
Coronado High School Julie Goodloe Communion Project
Crestview Elementary School Carol Games Poetry in Motion
Crosbyton Middle School Vicki Sellers Touching the Wind
Dunbar College Preparatory Academy Alicia Lee Operation “I Can Read”
Dunbar College Preparatory Academy Amy Crump Engaging Educational Environment
Dunbar College Preparatory Academy Maci Chapman Improving Memory & Engagement through Music
Dupre Elementary School Nancy Krebbs Life as a Citizen
Evans Middle School Amy Drake Foreign Language Magazines for Real Life Reading
Frenship Heritage Middle School Jeremy Wagner GEAR Robotics Kits
Frenship Heritage Middle School Travis Tate Albright Literature Cirlces
Frenship Middle School Ida Cisneros Literature Cirlce Variety
Frenship Middle School Morgan Dixon Nonfiction Biography
Jayne Ann Miller Laura Mora Cook El Program Español after school Spanish Enrichment
Levelland Christian School Julie Richardson Transforming Power of Art
Lubbock Cooper North Elementary Kerry Johnston Pirate Summer Enrichment Camp
New Home ISD Sabrina Multer Elementary Robotics
New Home ISD Tara Lehman Clay Works
Plainview Christian Academy Jill Brown Readers are Succeeders
Plainview Christian Academy Claudia Howel Hands on History Artifact Bags
Plainview Christian Academy Gayle Quigley Let’s Make Graphing Fun
Post Elementary School Crystal Osborn Pioneering Through the Texas Regions
Post Elementary School Raeline Reece Gifted and Talented Enrichment
Roy Roberts Elementary School Myra Robinson Kindles in a 5th Grade Classroom
Sharp Academy Raymond Cortez, Jr. Delta Education Science Modules
Sharp Academy Manda Lozano SOI (Structure of Intellect)
Sharp Academy Rose Hunter Art Supplies
Sharp Academy Lauren Jones Study Skills & Choices Training
Southcrest Christian School Vanessa Bruce Learning to Type
Southcrest Christian School Kristi Rogers Click It Learning
Southcrest Christian School Jamie Petmecky Science Investigations
Southcrest Christian School Mary Blair Reusable Resources for Literacy Learning Centers
Southcrest Christian School Kristin Holly Daily 5
Spur Elementary School Pat Hightower Oh, Mother Earth
St. Joseph Catholic School Karen Hybner Charged Up for Science!
Trinity Christian Elementary School Clarissa Hayes Bringing the real world into the math classroom
Whiteface Middle School Latasha Pererault Robotics Initiative
Wright Elementary School Angela Shepard Integrating Math & Science into Literacy Programs
Pictured in Photo above:
Back row:
Rodney Cates (Board member and Suddenlink), Brandon Hamilton (Merrill Lynch – Underwriters), Mike Wood (Merrill Lynch – Underwriters), Randy Mandrell (Refuge Services – Honoree), Jeff Klotzman (Board Chair and RAMAR Communications), George Torres (Lubbock Animal Services – Presenter), Nick Draga (Ballet Lubbock – Honoree), Alan Wolfe (Parkhill Smith & Cooper – Mini-Grants Donor)
Front Row:
Marisa Chapa (Baptist Children & Family Services – Honoree and Impact Award winner), Alona Beesinger (Suddenlink – Presenter), Louise Cummins (Volunteer – Presenter), Sheryl Cates (Foundation President), Jennifer Schmidt (CrossView Christian Camp – Honoree), and Becky Crites (High Point Village – Honoree)
Photo by Christy Martinez-Garcia/LLM