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2016 Grantee Luncheon

The Community Foundation of West Texas held our annual Grantee Luncheon on April 21, 2016 at the Lubbock Scottish Rite. The event was sponsored by Merrill Lynch, Thompson/Johnson Group and honored five outstanding nonprofits who have provided exceptional work across the South Plains. The event also recognized the Don & Sybil Harrington Scholarships recipients for 2016. These students are pursuing higher education in math, science or engineering and receive a four-year scholarship of $20,000.

The four recognized organizations who each received a $500 grant from the Foundation are Lubbock Arts Alliance, Remember Our Heroes, Paul’s Project, and Literacy Lubbock. CASA of the South Plains was named as the Impact Awardee and received a $1,000.00 grant.

Pictured left to right: Back row – Gwen Stafford, CFWT Interim President; Robert Kollman, CFWT Board Member; Todd Thompson, Merrill Lynch; Chad Grant, CFWT Board Chair; Tami Swoboda, CFWT Vice President of Programs and Grants. Pictured left to right: Front Row – Lynda Dutton, Literacy Lubbock; Elizabeth Regner, Lubbock Arts Alliance; Jerri Ann Booe, Paul’s Project; Jennie Hill, CASA of the South Plains; Rose Chase, Remember Our Heroes; Denise Oviedo, CFWT Director of Grants and Scholarships. Pictured front and center: Michelle Tosi-Stephens, CFWT Vice President of Development and External Affairs.

The seven exceptional Lubbock County high school students selected to receive the prestigious Don & Sybil Harrington Scholarship are:

Mariama Poquiz of Lubbock High School Shehani Jayawickrama of Lubbock High School Hayes McKibben of Lubbock High School Isaac Echols of Lubbock High School Raja Rajcic of Coronado High School Alexandra Langford of Monterey High School Christopher Gaschen of Trinity High School

Pictured left to right: Mariama Poquiz, Christopher Gaschen, Shehani Jayawickrama, Hayes McKibben, Alexandra Langford and Raja Rajcic. Not pictured is Isaac Echols.

Photos of the Honorees:

Chad Grant, CFWT Board Chair, with Jennie Hell of CASA of the South Plains.

Chad Grant, CFWT Board Chair, with Lynda Dutton of Literacy Lubbock.

Chad Grant, CFWT Board Chair, with Jerri Ann Booe of Paul’s Project.

Chad Grant, CFWT Board Chair, with Rose Chase of Remember Our Heroes.

Chad Grant, CFWT Board Chair, with Elizabeth Regner of Lubbock Arts Alliance.


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