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2017 Grantee Luncheon

On April 12, 2017, the Community Foundation of West Texas held its annual Grantee Luncheon recognizing (6) nonprofit organizations and the outstanding service they provide to Lubbock and the South Plains. The Community Foundation recently announced over $680,000 distributed in grant dollars to non-profits throughout West Texas for the first quarter of 2017!

Thank you also to Merrill Lynch who sponsored the luncheon and helped to present the Impact Award.


Catholic Charities of Lubbock was awarded the Impact Award and received a grant of $1,000 at the luncheon. The mission of Catholic Charities is to “serve the least among us” and to empower people to improve their lives and the lives of their family members. The 2016 grant to Catholic Charities went to their Crisis Intervention Fund where funds are utilized to assist families in crisis with basic needs, childcare, testing fees and tuition, and transportation.

Additional organizations recognized at the luncheon for their outstanding work include the following:

Arts and Culture – Wallace Theatre

The Wallace Theater is continuing renovations to reopen as a cinema and live performance venue to provide entertainment options through theater, music, art and additional educational events to enhance the quality of life for Levelland and Hockley County residents. With the grant from 2016, the Film Screening Room was completed and the Theater is able to host a variety of events to provide entertainment, cultural opportunities, and educational programming for the community.

Basic Need and Self Sufficiency – Weekend Snack Sack Program

With the grant from 2016, the Weekend Snack Sack Program was able to purchase food for the weekend food sacks provided to the children in the community at risk or suffering hunger. These sacks are given to the children attending Stephen F. Austin Primary and Cathelene Thomas Elementary in Slaton.

Civic Social and Economic Development – Plainview Downtown Restoration

Plainview Downtown Restoration is a nonprofit with a mission to support the restoration and re-use of historic buildings in Plainview and to foster new business and creative talent in the central business district. The group was gifted the Skaggs Building on the northwest corner of Seventh and Broadway in October 2015, and intends to use the ground floor space as an event venue for the community, along with commercial space for startups and other small businesses. The grant from 2016 will allow the group to restore mechanical systems on the ground floor.

Education/Youth – Caprock Cultural Association

The Caprock Cultural Association’s mission is to promote, encourage, direct, sponsor and otherwise develop art, cultural and educational activities within the Caprock area. They work with the Post Public Library to provide a Summer Reading Program for children in the community. The grant from 2016 provided funds to continue this program and encourage children to continue reading throughout summer.

Animals – South Plains Wildlife Rehabilitation Center

The South Plains Wildlife Rehabilitation Center provides humane care and rehabilitation to all species of orphaned, ill, injured and displaced wildlife. The goal of their rehabilitation program is to release these animals back to their natural wild habitats. The grant awarded in 2016 was to provide food and vet care to animals.

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