Post-Garza County Endowment Awards Over $17,000 in Community Grants

The Post-Garza County Endowment, an affiliate of Community Foundation of West Texas, was created in 2010 to give the people of Post and Garza County the opportunity to build a pool of permanent resources exclusively for the benefit of their community.
The Post-Garza County Endowment (PGCE) was created by and for the people of this area, and is an affiliate of the Community Foundation of West Texas. Today the endowment has over $584,500 and supports funds for 11 designated organizations. To date, the endowment has given 46 grants totaling $77,698 to area non-profits. Each year, as the endowment grows, the group is able to give back even more to the community. This year alone the Post-Garza County Endowment will add to those numbers as they will give over $17,000 in grants supporting worthy organizations and causes in the area.
Due to generous endowments and donations, the PGCE now has over $584,500 in our fund balance, 11 designated funds, and is pleased to award $17,200 during this grant cycle.
The Post-Garza County Endowment is proud to announce the 2017 grant recipients: Caprock Cultural Association Community Recovery Center Garza County Trailblazers Girl Scouts Post Animal Rescue Center Post Economic Development Corporation Salvation Army
These grants were awarded last Friday, September 22, 2017 at the Post High School football game during halftime in the Jimmie Redman Memorial Stadium.
If you would like to learn more about the Post-Garza County Endowment, how to get involved, donate, or apply for a 2018 grant, please visit or follow them on Facebook.