E. Jay Matsler Trust for Historic Preservation Grants Presentation

Congratulations to our 2017 E. Jay Matsler Trust for Historic Preservation grants recipients! This year's recipients were honored at a press conference at the Bayer Museum of Agriculture, in front of the 1925 Pullman train car.
The 2017 E. Jay Matsler Trust for Historic Preservation grant recipients are pictured below with Community Foundation of West Texas president, Stephen Warren.

Plainview Downtown Restoration - Blair Willson
Skaggs Building East Entry and Exterior Lightning Restoration

Slaton Railroad Heritage Association - Glen Culver and Mark Meurer
Early 1900s Fort Worth and Denver caboose interior restoration

Lubbock County Historical Commission - Sandy Fortenberry
Lubbock County courthouse cannon restoration

Lubbock Heritage Society - Cindy Martin
Underwood Pullman car preservation project

2017 E. Jay Matsler Trust for Historic Preservation grants recipients with CFWT president, Stephen Warren
Congratulations to all of the grants recipients! We can't wait to see what you do to preserve history in your community!