Hockley County Endowment Awards Over $12,000 in Community Grants

In 2006, Hockley County visionaries including Sycily Lattimore and others came together to establish an endowment that would be a resource for donors, a source of grants for worthy local causes and a partner for local non-profit organizations.
The Hockley County Endowment was created by and for the people of this area, and is an affiliate of the Community Foundation of West Texas. Today the endowment has over $729,000 and supports funds for 28 organizations including the Hockley County Senior Citizens Center, School Systems within Hockley County, the South Plains Food Bank and many more.
To date the endowment has given 69 grants totaling $157,481 to 69 area non-profits. Each year, as the endowment grows, the group will be able to give back more to the community. This year alone the Hockley County Endowment will give almost $13,000 in grants supporting worthy organizations and causes in the area.
Due to generous endowments and donations, the HCE now has over $729,000 in our fund balance, 28 designated funds, and is pleased to award $12,808 during this grant cycle.
The Hockley County Endowment (HCE) is proud to announce the 2018 grant awards:
Hockley County Veterans Assistance Office - Veteran’s Day Event - $2,000
Levelland Ministerial Alliance - National Day of Prayer Breakfast - $1,500
South Plains Rural Health Services, Inc - Mental Health Assistance Project - $500
Wallace Theater - Generation Ziglar Live Training - $8,808
The HCE presented these grants on Friday, September 7 at the Levelland Lobo Stadium prior to the football game.
If you would like to learn more about the Hockley County Endowment, how to get involved, donate, or apply for a 2019 grant, please visit www.HockleyCountyEndowment.org or follow us on Facebook.
Members of the Hockley County Endowment board are:
Michael Wiiest, Chair
Sarah Thompson, Vice Chair
Sarah Osburn, Secretary/Treasurer
Steffani Cantwell
Carrie Ellis
Amber Hinson
Anna Dunn Hord
Alycyn Keeling
Joey Pierce
Katie Pena
James Rincones
Tanner Terrell