Featured Grant Story: Plainview Civic Music Association

What is the Plainview Civic Music Association?
Established in 1980, the Plainview Civic Music Association is made up of the Plainview Symphony Orchestra, the Plainview Symphony Guild, and the Symphony Debutante Program. As a crucial component of the cultural life of the largely agricultural area, it contributes to the quality of life in the Plainview region by providing affordable, quality symphony experiences. Music appreciation is encouraged in young people and a platform for talented citizens, both young and old, to showcase their talent.
Elementary school children in Plainview experience very few music education experiences. More than one third of all children in Plainview live in a home with only a female householder, no husband present. Nearly half of the households in Plainview with their own children ages 3 to 17 receive public assistance; four out of five Plainview Independent School District students receive free or reduced lunch.
One of the Plainview Civic Music Association’s program is the Children’s Chorus of Plainview. The Children’s Chorus of Plainview provides children a platform to learn and discover music education and enrichment. Chorus members also participate in performances, helping build their confidence. For most children, the Children’s Chorus of Plainview provides a perspective on music many did not have prior to participating in the program. For some children, this program is their only exposure to music education.
The Plainview Civic Music Association in Action
The Plainview Civic Music Association was able to bring in a director for the Children’s Chorus of Plainview for the fall 2018 with funds provided by the Community Foundation of West Texas. Also purchased were the performing rights and musical materials for Disney’s 101 Dalmatians KIDS. Upon receiving funds from the Foundation, they were able to plan and advertise a more robust performance season for the Children’s Chorus of Plainview. Originally planning a season with only two formal concerts and community outreach special activities they were able to add a children’s community musical as a part of the season. These music education opportunities are invaluable to the children of Plainview and taught them how to appreciate music, and to learn and grow as individuals as well.
To learn more about the Plainview Civic Music Association, please visit them online at www.pvsymphony.org or on Facebook.