CFWT Mini-Grant for Teachers Story: Sharp Academy
A Sharp Academy science teacher used her mini-grant from the Community Foundation of West Texas to incorporate multi-sensory learning for her middle school students. Items purchased included: a digital microscope with USB optical camera, 200 piece microscopic slides, an illuminated orbiter, metamorphic rock collection specimens, to name a few. The teacher wrote, “Sixth, seventh, and eighth graders benefit from the amazing gift provided by the grant.”
She went on to describe the some of the educational tools were used in the classroom:
“We have used the Digital Microscope complete with USB optical camera many times for our classroom, and have been able to share it with our online students not attending class in person. The microscope slides have aided us not only with middle school, but elementary and high school as well.
The Sun-Moon-Earth illuminated orbiter is the perfect hands-on tool to visually see the Earth and Moon rotating around the Sun. The children love to have time holding the meteorite fragments that have fallen to Earth. They marvel at how heavy they are for their size.
Right now my sixth graders are learning about atoms, and the periodic table of elements. The Periodic Table Banner and Periodic Table Photo Cards are the perfect compliment with the lessons in their books. To visually see the elements on the table, and hold the card in their hands of what the element looks like, is very cool to them.
My eighth graders will soon be studying the structures within the earth. I have told them they will have many opportunities to hold, examine, and test the different igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks your grant has provided to us.”
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