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#SPneighbors Grant Story: South Plains Food Bank

Support from the South Plains COVID-19 Relief Fund helped the South Plains Food Bank continue their mission and feed those hit hardest by the pandemic. The Food Bank says they saw, “a 60% increase in people needing assistance since March 16.”

The pandemic brought new challenges for the organization and they had to figure out a new screen client in a contact-free manner. An SPFB representative expands on how the Food Bank overcame this issue, “Clients can now complete an application on line where previously they had to be screened in person. Clients are now allowed to receive a food box every two weeks instead of once a month.”

SPFB also encountered other roadblocks: educating new recipients about their process, safety of volunteers, and gathering the needed food for boxes. An organization representative praises SPFB’s staff and how they were able to defeat these complications, “The strengths that SPFB has discovered is the flexibility and ingenuity of our paid staff. The ability to rapidly change the process to adapt to necessary safety measures has been remarkable.”

The organization says, “The SPFB was created for just these kinds of life changing times,” and continues to ensure that no one goes hungry in their 20 county service area. To contribute to the South Plains COVID-19 Relief Fund, click the link that follows:


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